Sports wear a ladder, in the end, can tighten many parts of the body at once, such as arms, back, buttocks, and thighs. Then, what exercises can be done using the ladder?
Various sports wear ladder that is easy to do
1. Rise up and down stairs
Sports with stairs can be as simple as going up and down stairs. Try starting down the stairs by walking fast, and do not forget also to move your arms. Repeat and rest every 30 some time ago.
2. Walking lunges
Walking lunges you can make a movement to shrink the thighs. Start by standing straight with your hands straight. Then tighten your abdominal muscles while swinging your right foot forward, bending your knees will fall up to the right parallel to the floor. Both thighs are angled 90 degrees, but the left leg knee is not visible soil.
Back position must be upright when doing the movement. Go back to the starting position and do the same moves with alternating left foot stepping forward.
3. Run sideways
Dare try to ride tanga with the sideways position? Start with the right side the f the body at the top of the stairs, then the left side under the declining stairs.
Then start to move your right leg to ascend to the side, or to the top of the stairs. The right foot step goes first, but when the left leg begins to close the first step, the right foot should have been installed to move to the second step.
Until you reach the top of the stairs ends, it is advisable to hold on and do it easily to avoid injury.
4. Push with the ladder
You can practice strengthening the chest, arms, shoulders, and your abdomen while practicing using the stairs. The movement used at this stage is the push-up movement using the ladder as its pedestal.
First, place your hands on 2 or 3 steps (from the floor), then position your feet on the ground or floor. Do not forget, the higher your position, the easier the push up is done
Make sure your hands are separated from the shoulders. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your chest. Exhale as you push the chest back to its original position, guard and position the abdomen to keep it firm.
Some things to watch out for before wearing a ladder
Sports wear stairs legally done every day. But for each movement session, there is a bat duration for 30 seconds only. In addition, the more reps it performs, the better for your desired body fitness.
Do not forget to rest for 2 minutes per movement session. Remember to use a staircase when necessary and watch your feet while doing cardio, so as not to trip over. Use sports shoes with a rubber base, so it is not easy to tuck or slip.
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