It's Your Danger If Often Wear Toothpicks After Eating

One of the many habits people do after eating is scraping the remains of food in teeth with a toothpick. But look out. Instead of making teeth so clean, the habit of using toothpicks after a meal is not good for health! Check out the dangers of toothpicks for the following dental health.

What is the dangers of toothpicks for health?

Here are some dangers of toothpicks that may arise if you use a toothpick to clean the food tucked in the teeth.

1. Causes bleeding gums

As you continue to clean up the food in between teeth to remove any part of the food left behind, it will cause bleeding in the gum area. Because the tip of a sharp toothpick can cause injuries in the gums which is a soft tissue in the mouth of course very vulnerable, In fact, if this habit often you do then over time will cause damage to the entire tooth.

2. Gum infections

If used only occasionally and in a state of emergency, toothpicks may be used and may still be safe. But if you use it almost every meal, not only damage the teeth, but also the gums. Well, if not treated immediately and treated properly, it can cause severe gum disease. Among these, gingivitis (gingivitis) and periodontics (which occurs when gingivitis is left and is getting worse).

3. The space between the teeth

This danger is very likely if you often clean the food that slips on the sidelines of the same tooth. Gradually this condition will create a larger space and width between one tooth with a tooth next. Well, this is what will actually worsen the condition. Because there is the possibility of a larger food can often be involved there because your dental density is reduced.

4. Decreased gums

In addition to making the teeth stretch, in fact, the use of toothpicks to clean up the remains of food will also cause damage to the gums. Exactly can change the position of the gums that will move down from the real position. If left unchecked, this will cause damage to the tooth root as well. When this happens, of course, this will cause tremendous pain.

5. Destructive tooth enamel

Unwittingly the habit of using a toothpick can also damage tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the hardest surface of the human body and is also the outermost layer of the tooth that protects the underlying tissue comprising dentine and pulp. Enamel damaged teeth cause teeth to change color because enamel has disappeared and dentin exposed to outside air. Front of the front teeth may also look transparent because of it. In addition, the eroded enamel causes the teeth to become sensitive. Using a toothpick to clean teeth is essentially highly discouraged as it may pose a danger to teeth and gums. As an alternative to cleaning up the remains of food in the gums or teeth, you can use a toothbrush or rinse with water.

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