Pesticide Fruits and Vegetables Can Cause Liver Cancer

When buying food such as fruits and vegetables, what do you consider besides the price? Some people are concerned with fresh and seamless food. However, there is one thing you should consider, namely whether the food is high in pesticides. Do not mess with pesticides for your body, especially the liver. The reason, often eat foods high in pesticide levels high-risk cause cancer and liver disease.

The danger of pesticides to the liver

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pesticides used to repel pests and plant diseases could endanger human health. Especially if consumed in the long term with a high enough level. Although the effect is not present now, over the years, your liver organ may be damaged.

Heart cancer

A study presented by the American Association for Cancer Research recently revealed a surprising result. According to experts, exposure to pesticides, in the long run, increases your risk of liver cancer by 71 percent.

Based on research conducted in Asia, Europe, and the United States, pesticides can cause DNA mutations and eventually create cancer cells in your body. Indeed, experts say that there should be further research to determine what type of pesticide precisely the greatest risk of liver cancer. However, the findings are certainly a strong warning for consumers as well as food manufacturers to be more careful.

Liver disease

In addition to causing cancer, the danger of pesticides for your liver also includes liver disease, such as hepatitis. The liver serves to cleanse the blood and get rid of toxins that enter the body. For example toxins from pesticides or pollution. However, if in the liver toxin is too much, there will be serious damage or infection. This vital organ will increasingly difficult to work to remove toxins.

Symptoms of liver disease that you should notice include vomiting, fever, yellow skin, and abdominal pain. If not treated properly, you are at high risk for chronic liver failure. Treatment includes liver organ transplantation.

How to avoid high foodstuffs of pesticides

In this great industrial age, it is very difficult to ascertain the origin and how to process the food you buy in the market or supermarket. However, there are already many organic food producers who will include the information on the label. Organic here means that your food is grown and harvested naturally, without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.

While organic animal foods such as meat and eggs mean that the animals are only fed with organic feed and are not injected with antibiotics or any chemicals.

If the vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and corn you usually buy have no packaging or label, always wash with running water before cooking or serving. You really do not need to peel the skin of the fruit to reduce the danger of pesticides. The reason is, this way is considered less powerful because the chemical ingredients must have been absorbed into the flesh. You will actually lose the healthy benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.

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