7 Tricks Staying Successful Weight Loss Although Holiday

You are undergoing a weight loss program, but the holiday period has arrived? Do not worry, vacation does not mean you have to stop a healthy diet business, really. In fact, you can actually lose weight during the holidays. Well, how? Consider a variety of tips to prevent weight gain while losing weight while on vacation below.

Tips to lose weight while on vacation

Wherever you go, losing weight is not impossible. The challenge to lose weight during the holidays may indeed increase. Suppose you have to skip exercising first for a few days. However, you can get around the challenges of walking in the following seven ways. Good luck!

1. Walking

When around a tourist attraction, you should choose to walk rather than ride a vehicle. So also when you explore the neighborhood where you stay. Walking during the holidays does not seem tiring or boring because you are in a new place. In addition, you can burn many calories in a fun way.

2. Limit the portion of the meal

While on vacation, you still have to limit the portion of the meal. If you really want to try the typical cuisine of the region visited, you should order the meal to be eagerly mixed with family, couples, or friends on your vacation. That way, you can still taste these special dishes without having to overeat.

3. Choose one kind of fattening foods

In the city or country you travel destination, there must be one of the food menu that you have been craving. Unfortunately, the food may be high in calories, fat, and cholesterol.

For that, you should be more selective. Do not go crazy and try all kinds of dishes at the destination. Choose just one type of high-fat, calorie dish that you can eat alone because holding the cravings may make it more difficult to control your appetite during the holidays.

4. Avoid junk food

In addition to local specialties, you may also be tempted to choose fast food. Either because it's been rush time or just that food is available in your area on vacation.

Instead of choosing junk food, you should dare to try different types of local food. Local food is usually more natural area, not much chemically processed so it is safer for you.

5. Drink plenty of water

Always provide water when you travel. Bringing water can ward off thirst so you are not tempted to buy high calorie sweet drinks, such as sweet iced tea or soft drinks.

In addition, drinking water before meals is also shown to help you control the portion of the meal so as not to eat most.

6. Keep exercising

Vacation is a good time to move the body and be more fit! So, take advantage of vacation time with healthy activities like riding a bike, climbing a mountain, swimming, trying yoga, or jogging in the morning.

With active exercise, calories that increase during the holidays can be burned into energy. You also do not have to worry about weight gain after a vacation.

7. Get enough sleep

You may want to maximize your vacation time so that you get less sleep. In fact, lack of sleep can make you hungry and continue to eat more than usual. This will certainly interfere with your plan to lose weight during the holidays. Therefore, try to sleep enough, that is for seven to nine hours every day.

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