4 Myth of Skin Care that You Do not Need to Believe Again

Who does not want to have good skin? Everyone would want a skin that is acne free, bright, and always look fresh. So do not be surprised if today many young people, especially women busy themselves to care for the skin, looking for the best skin care by looking at reviews on the internet or go to a beauty doctor. Usually, before someone or maybe including you intend to use a particular skin care, your friend will say "do not, later addicted" or other opinions that are not necessarily true. To reduce your concerns in using skin care, here are some skin care myths you need to know.

Some skin care myths

Myth 1: the higher the SPF, the wider the protection

UV rays consist of UV A that can penetrate deeply enough skin and change skin pigment. UV B rays can damage skin DNA and cause pigment changes, premature skin aging, even carcinoma. Meanwhile, UV C light is absorbed by the atmosphere and does not reach the ground.

SPF on sunscreen that you use often refers to the amount of protection that products offer from UV sunlight B. So, as high as any SPF you use may not necessarily protect your skin from the sun.

A study published in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, SPF improvement is not linear to sun protection. If you want to get sun protection, then you need to pay attention to SPF and PA content. PA content can protect the skin from the dangers of UV radiation.

Myth 2: Sunscreen is only used when the heat

Although the morning or the day is not so hot or even cloudy, you still need to use sunscreen-because the UV radiation from the sun will still get to the skin surface. Therefore, use sunscreen every two hours or reuse after swimming or sweating.

Myth 3: scrubbing will make your skin healthy and acne-free

Scrubbing too often can actually make your skin dry. Because when you wash your face too often, the skin will release a protective oil which if you do it hard can cause injured skin and even risk for acne. Therefore, you are encouraged to wash your face gently and supplemented with the use of a moisturizer or sunscreen.

Myth 4: the more expensive skin care, the better for the skin

Most of the active ingredients found in creams or beauty products are almost the same, whether sold in drugstores or other stores. Even if certain substance content in the drugstore is lower, the product can still have a similar effect. So, skin care myths that say that expensive skin care must work better is not true.

In fact, everyone's skin is different

What suits you is not necessarily suitable for others. Therefore, before doing skin care, you need to know your skin type first. You can consult a dermatologist to know about your skin and what kind of treatment is suitable for your skin.

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