In addition to facial care, other factors that are developing the skin becomes more oily and acne is the type of food consumed. The choice of food for oily skin has a big role because by eating the right foods, you can regulate the production of sebum in the skin.
So what foods should be discarded if you have oily skin types? Read on to find out.
Prohibition of food for oily skin types
Here are some foods that should be there if you have oily skin types.1. Fried
Research finds someone who eats foods containing omega-6 fatty acids will be more prone to breakouts, namely types of fried foods using lots of oils such as fries and chips. Both foods have high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and can bring havoc to your skin.
So do not be surprised, foods that contain lots of fats and oils will contribute the greatest cause of your oily skin.
2. Milk
For you dairy lovers, this one fact does not want you to accept. The reason to consume milk in large quantities can give a big enough impact if you have oily skin types.
This dairy product causes acne because it contains fat and increases hormone levels so it can clog pores and acne pimples. If your skin is sensitive to hormones in milk, you can switch to other dairy products like almond milk.
3. Alcohol
In addition to making the skin dry, eating foods or drinks that contain alcohol will make skin prone acne. This happens when you consume alcohol, the body heat index will rise so that your body will be warmer and excessive sweating. Well, when the body excessive sweating, the effect will cause clogged pores that then cause acne.
4. Refined carbohydrates
Foods such as bagels, white rice, pasta and other carbohydrates contain a high glycemic index that can cause significant increases in blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that foods containing high glycemic indexes can lead to increased oil production and also acne on the face.
5. Sugar
In addition to joining a person's mood or mental state, in fact consuming excess sugar can also be common oil glands to produce more oil in the face. This causes a high consumption of foods to increase excess oil production. Plus, the sugar glycemic index is high enough and harmful to the skin.
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