However, is it safe to consume soft drinks before, after, or while exercising? Or this habit is risky for health? Find out the answer below
What is the effect on health when drinking soda during exercise?
Contrary to what has been believed, drinking soda during exercise is not a habit recommended by doctors and health experts. If you eat soft drinks while you exercise, you will face more risks than benefits. Here's the impact on the body if you drink soda during exercise.
1. Does not replace lost electrolytes and minerals
Unlike ordinary water or mineral water, soft drinks do not contain enough electrolytes and minerals. In fact, before exercising, your body must be able to maintain the balance of fluids in the body. Therefore, you need an adequate intake of electrolytes and minerals to keep you from lack of fluids.
Likewise, after you exercise, the body has lost a lot of electrolytes and minerals. So, drinking soda will not replace both so you are more susceptible to dehydration.
2. Causes indigestion
Soft drinks are not good for your digestive system. Can be imagined, if the digestion is disrupted, your performance certainly decreases during exercise. The soda itself is known to trigger flatulence due to gas and reflux of acid reflux (GERD).
This is because, in your digestive system, carbonation and caffeine are acidic. In addition, gas from carbonated soft drinks will also increase the pressure on the stomach. You will experience abdominal pain or be bloating.
3. High sugar content
In a can of soda, you can get about 35 grams of sugar. If you drink soda during exercise, your blood sugar levels will jump.
However, because you exercise and sugar is instantly converted into energy, the body can immediately use almost all the sugar in the blood so after exercise your blood sugar even dropped dramatically.
Blood sugar can also go straight because after you drink soda high sugar, insulin hormone was produced more in the body. This hormone will digest sugar. As a result, blood sugar so low. This condition is called hypoglycemia.
4. Make it easy thirsty
In addition to making unstable blood sugar levels, high-sugar soft drinks can also make you easily thirsty. The reason, total carbohydrates from sugar in soft drinks is very concentrated, ie 11 to 13 percent. Because the sugar levels enter the body so thick, the body becomes so difficult to absorb the liquid.
As a result, even though you've drunk enough soft drinks, you're still thirsty.
So, what can be taken during exercise?
If you really want to find fresh drinks to exercise, water is still the best choice. Water or mineral water can replace lost body fluids without harmful side effects.
In order to taste more delicious, you can also add pieces of lemon, mint leaves, or cucumber in your drinking water. Lemon, cucumber, and mint can increase the intake of good complex carbohydrates to increase energy, without having to worry about blood sugar up and down.
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