Where Can I Buy Organic Cotton Jeans?

Where Can I Buy Organic Jeans? - Jeans are one type of clothing that have many fans. Some even willing to spend money just to buy a pair of jeans unique.Previously, they have been producing jeans that can be lit in the dark, coffee-dyed jeans, to jeans that have a raspberry aroma. Now, they created the jeans made from organic materials.

For collectors of jeans, this one product seemed obliged to have because of its uniqueness. Quoted from the Metro, Tuesday, February 22, 2015, a jeans manufacturer named Naked and Famous have been widely produced trousers that are environmentally friendly and eccentric.

Jeans are made from organic materials that are environmentally friendly, such as organic cotton and use natural coloring derived from plants Indigofera. Indigofera plants are plants that can be recycled.
After the pigment is extracted, the residue can be converted into fertilizer plants, and the water can be reused for watering plants. "The fabric used combined with natural dyes and when to make it quite short," said one company.

Meanwhile, the process of making leather jeans pocket, using heavy cardboard material that has the look and feel of the skin. Pants are designed for men, is available in two types, namely Skinny Guy and Weird Guy. The price offered for both types of pants are pretty expensive. Approximately US $ 155.

Where Can I Buy Organic Jeans?

Nudie Jeans - In nudie jeans you can buy organic jeans, the price ranges from 100 to 200 dollars

Jeans nudie website also nice because we can not only see the front view jeans only we could turn it around so that it can also look at the back

If you scroll down, then point your mouse pointer to the image it will show the data size jeans. there you can also see the price. I think this is the best place to buy organic jeans

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