Drinking fruit juice is healthier than eating fresh fruit, is it true?
Fruit juice is very practical, can be drunk anywhere and even not difficult to obtain. In addition, many people prefer to drink juice because it tastes sweet and has the same content as the original fruit. But did you know that the fruit juice you drink is not as healthy as you think? Here are the reasons why you should choose to eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
The taste of fruit juice is like the original fruit, but it could be from artificial flavorings
Almost all fruit juice products sold in supermarkets, states that the fruit juice product is a natural extract obtained from the fruit, not just an additional food flavor.
Yes, indeed in the packaging juice contains the original fruit extract, but the question how much the content of the extract? And it turns out most do not contain 100% natural extract, all added additives to strengthen the taste of fruit juice.
Not only that, additives in the juice packaging is still more and more diverse, such as preservatives. According to various studies, too often eating foods or beverages containing additives, higher risk for coronary heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases.
Fruit juice contains a little fiber, but a lot of sugar
One of the reasons why you should eat fruit because fruit contains lots of fiber is good for health, especially digestive health. But if you replace fresh fruit with packaged fruit juice, then you will not get as much fiber as you encounter in fresh fruit.
The biggest substance you can get from drinking packed fruit juice is sugar, because about 350 ml of apple juice alone has 165 calories and 39 grams of calories - equivalent to about 10 teaspoons. In fact, the recommended use of sugar in a day only reaches 6 teaspoons. So, no wonder drinking fruit juice will only make your health condition worsen and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
This has even been demonstrated in a study conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health. In the study, it was found that people who prefer to drink juice rather than eating real fruit, are at increased risk of developing diabetes. While eating fresh fruits actually lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Then whether homemade juice is healthier when compared with eating fruit?
Still, it's still better to eat the fruit directly than by drinking fruit juice, even though the fruit juices you make yourself use fresh, unsweetened sources of fruit. Why so?
The answer is because if you eat fruit, you are required to chew all pieces of the fruit. By chewing the fruit slowly, then the nutrients, including sugar contained in the fruit will be digested and broken down gradually. The breakdown of sugar will occur first in the mouth, then in the stomach, and ends in absorption in the small intestine. This makes the sugar last longer absorbed and not so quickly turned into blood sugar.
Meanwhile, if you drink fruit juice, all the nutrients will easily enter into the digestive system and absorbed by the body more quickly. These conditions make the blood sugar very quickly rise and change. Blood sugar that often rise can make your fat content also increased, this of course can cause heart disease, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases.
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