6 Signs Your Body Too Much Drinking Coffee

Some signs of drinking too much coffee on your body may have appeared, but many of you are unaware and even brushed it off. Vertigo to heart health problems can be one result if you consume too much caffeine. Gradually some troubled medical conditions will come to you if you do not reduce your coffee intake from now on. At least you can realize first some signs that you become a caffeine addict. Here are some problems that indicate you are drinking too much coffee.

Signs of drinking too much coffee

1. Easy to worry

One example of health that is disturbed by too much coffee mium is the emergence of anxiety in yourself. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, quoted by EverydayHealth as saying, that should not people who are hit by anxiety consume excessive coffee. Why?

Basically, caffeine can actually aggravate the effects of anxiety, either eliminating the time and quality of sleep and will cause short-term stress effects for those who drank too much coffee. If you are anxious or worried, you should try a few things about breathing techniques or try meditation to manage your mental problems in a healthy way.

2. Make a stomach ache (acid stomach rise)

Abdominal pain is one sign that you drink too much coffee. The reason European scientists found that, certain compounds in coffee stimulate the secretion of stomach acid by your stomach cells. If outsmarting your stomach acid with the drug, it also has only a temporary effect. You better reduce your coffee intake slowly.

3. The heart will continue to beat fast

If you have symptoms of your body with the feeling of your heart beating faster than normal, or until you can feel with your heart clearly, this could be a sign of drinking too much coffee. Why is that?

Heart palpitations are often caused by consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and even alcohol. In some cases, excessive heartbeats can sometimes cause dizziness and even fainting. Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of the excessive heart-pounding effect overall is to avoid caffeine intake altogether.

4. Diarrhea

Coffee is also lined up can be an intake to smooth the digestive system on a regular basis, thanks to one of the substances contained in it. But do you know, if drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day can make you diarrhea? International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder suggests that the sign of drinking too much coffee is when you have diarrhea.

5. Your eyes twitch

You like drinking coffee? Your eyes like twitching? National Institutes of Health states, if your eyes begin to give a sense of twitch, it could be a sign of drinking too much coffee. The content of caffeine in coffee stimulates and triggers the release of serotonin and noradrenaline hormones. Both of these hormones can in fact increase the excessive reactivity of the muscles and nerves. So do not be surprised if your eyes twitch when drinking coffee excessively.

6. Insomnia

When you start to hard to sleep, it can be a sign of drinking too much coffee. The excess caffeine effect of this coffee intake will increase your awakening while you are asleep and reduce your sufficient and quality sleep time. To overcome insomnia caused by most caffeine, try to reduce the intake of coffee and coffee at the latest is at noon time.

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