How To Take Care Of Eyelashes To Be Healthy, Clean, and Not Loss

The eye is the window of the soul, as the saying goes. However, the eye is not the only thing that requires care and regulation. Here are tips for treating eyelashes correctly.

What causes eyelashes?

When treating eyelashes, you should do it gently because the feathers in these eyelids are very fragile and easily damaged. Do not rub your eyes excessively, nor do you pull out your mascara.

Also, when cleaning eye makeup or mascara, scrub this product, try dropping the facial cleanser onto the cotton and then press it on the closed eye for a few seconds before rubbing away the makeup that is left behind. It will be much better for your eyelashes.

What to do to keep the eyelashes clean and healthy?

1. Do not forget to dispose of routine

Keep in mind other body parts, eyelashes should be cleaned every day can grow normal and healthy. Therefore, clean the fur on your eyes every day with a mild facial cleanser, and remember to remove the rest of the makeup in the eye area with makeup cleaning products.

In addition, it is important to remember you should not share eye makeup with others to prevent cross contamination and transmission of infection.

2. Avoid false eyelashes

False eyelashes can make eyes look bigger and deeper. However, this beauty product has flaws that you should consider. For example, when you release it if done less carefully, even many original eyelashes that can be uprooted.

In addition, glue is used to treat diseases that can cause allergies and irritations. You should not use fake eyelashes every day, which means this product can only be used in big and important events.

3. Use conditioner

Like hair, feathers in your eyes also need conditioner to grow healthy. You can apply petroleum jelly in a tertiary way while you sleep. You can also use the special conditioner eyelashes that you can get in the store. Existing products usually treat moisturize and strengthen your eyelashes. In addition, the conditioner can also escape the hair in order to grow longer.

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